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The Onsite Safety portal will assist you in ensuring that all of your workers conform to the residential construction building occupational health and safety standards. This guide explains how to use the portal and what your responsibilities are in ensuring that all of your staff are compliant with their safety requirements.

There are two types of vendor/subcontractor registrations.

  1. Registering an organisation with employees who subcontracts to the portal owner.
  2. Registering as an individual subcontractor who works for the portal owner.

Click on the relevant type of registration from the 2 options below.

titleRegistering as an organisation - Click here to expand...

You will have received a URL to the portal. When you go to the URL you will see a screen similar to the one below. You need to click on the Register hyperlink;

You will then be taken to the Account Registration screen. In this screen, you should enter your organisation's email address. 

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When you click on the  the following options will be displayed.

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Select the Supplier/Subcontractor option. You will then be shown a screen where you can enter your details;

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When you click on the Next button you will see the following screen asking if you control a business. You will select Yes. 

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The  The screen will then expand and you should then enter your organisation's details.

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When you click on the Next button you should then enter all the names and email addresses of your staff will work on the portal owner's sites. You should tick the Staff and Safety user boxes after each staff person you are registering.

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When you click finish you should see the following screen.

A series of emails will be sent out which you must action.

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Click on the Confirm registration button to confirm your organisation's registration. You should see the following message.

Each staff member that you registered will receive an email as well that they will need to action;

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When they click on the Register button they will be taken to a screen where they can enter their details;

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When the click Finish they will receive an email confirming their connection.

titleRegistering as an individual subcontractor - Click here to expand...

You will have received a URL to the portal. When you go to the URL you will see a screen similar to the one below. You need to click on the Register hyperlink;

When you click on Register the following screen will be displayed.

Enter your email address and press the  

Select Supplier/Subcontractor and the following screen will be displayed.

Select No and you will see the following message;

You will receive an en email confirming your registration.

When you click on the Confirm registration button you should see the following message.


You should advise the portal owners that you have completed the registration and they will assign the required site roles to you and your staff. They will receive emails similar to the following to advise them that roles have been assigned.

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When they click on the Connect button they should see a message similar to the one below.

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