The first step we need to do is create the email templates that will be used when emailing
the claims. This is completed in Framework Administration (The application not the admin
module)• Login to Framework Administration Program and from thesidebar select CRM -> Email Tpl.
• From the Select Email Category drop down list select Claims Emailing.
• Select the Email Column (so it has the focus) and click the New button. Enter a name
for the email template.
• With the newly created Email name selected click the Email Template column and
click New.
• This will bring up the email template dialog where you can create your email
template. Enter the subject line and body of the email. At the moment the only merge
field that works is %%salutation%% and this is not available in the Insert Fields list,
it needs to be manually typed. I’m sure these will be updated in future.Follow this link to setup Claim Email templates - Updating Claims Email TemplateNOTE: Just like Framework security, email templates can be assigned at the Default,
Context, Group or User level.The next Step is to setup the preferences in the Framework Security Module. Most clients
may already have the email preferences setup in Framework but for this task I’ll assume it
still needs to be set.
• Login to Framework and go to the Security Module and select Security ->
Preference from the sidebar.
• From the Preference Group expand Framework ECM -> Email/SMS Configuration
-> Master Email Settings.
• Update the Email Preference as required. I.E SMTP or MAPI details.
• From the Preference Group expand Framework ECM -> Claims Management. The
following lists the preferences used for the batch claims and a description of what
they do:-11255: Default Claims Invoice Number Method
- Select the default invoice number method. For example the Job number and
claim number (12345/001)-50121: Batch – Enable ‘Print’ by Default?
- Is the print option set to Yes by default for the batch claims. (It will print the claims
invoice when set to Yes)-50122: Batch – Claim Report for ‘Print’
- Preference to specify the default report used when printing the claims invoice.
The preference uses the report number and not the name of the report. The
report can be changed when running the batch, this preference is just for the
default selected.-50123: Batch – Enable ‘Email’ by Default?
- Is the email option set to Yes by default for batch claims (it will email the claims
invoice when set to Yes).
NOTE: Both the ‘Print’ and ‘Email’ options can be flagged from No to Yes by the
user, this is just the preference for the default setting.-50124: Batch – Claim Report for ‘Email’
- Preference to specify the default report used when emailing the claims invoice.
Just like the print option this preference uses the report number and not the
name. The user can change the report in the batch dialog if required.-50125: Batch – ‘From’ Email Address as Current User?
- This preference is a Yes/No toggle. With this preference set to Yes, when a claim
invoice is emailed to the client, the Address the email is sent from will be the
Framework Users email address. The users email address comes from the entity
details in Framework. This preference is only valid when using SMTP emails
settings.So for example I run a batch claim and email the invoices. With SMTP the emails
go directly to the Exchange server are sent to the client. As it bypasses my
Outlook it doesn’t know where the email is a coming from. This preference means
it will put the users email address as the ‘From’ Address.When using MAPI the email is sent via your Outlook so the email already knows
where it has come from.-50126: Batch – ‘From’ Email Address for Emailed Claims
- This preference is used to enter a ‘From’ email address. This is similar to the
above preference but instead of using the Users email address you can specify a
specific email address that all claim invoices will be sent from. For example you
might have
This preference is used separately to the above preference; you would use one
or the other and not both. Again, this is only valid for the SMTP setting.-50127 : Batch – ‘BCC’ Email Address for Emailed Claims (Archive Copy)
- This is the preference to set the Blind Carbon Copy email address. A copy of any
invoices emailed to clients will also be sent to this email address.
Email Template
- This field is used to select the email template that will be sent to the client.
Troubleshooting Emailing to clients setup
Batch Claim Emailing not able to send to some Clients
4. Once ready to process the claims select the required clients and click the Process button.
This will prompt the user with a message confirming that it will print and email the claims for
the selected clients. Once the user clicks ok to this message the claims will be printed and