Enabling the new screen section below to use the new screen. Image Modified - You can choose the entity role of the entity that the person is attached to.
- You can filter to the owner (As specified on the Marketing tab of the entity screen) of the entities
- You can filter to the RankĀ (As specified on the Marketing tab of the entity screen) of the entities
- You can filter the date ranges of Last and Next contact.
- You see who the person entity is a contact for.
- You can see the Last Contact date (This is maintained in the entity screen which you can edit by double-clicking on the relevant person and going to the marketing tab).
- You can see the Next Contact date (This is maintained in the entity screen which you can edit by double-clicking on the relevant person and going to the marketing tab).
- You can see the Last Comment that was entered against the entity (This is maintained in the entity screen which you can edit by double-clicking on the relevant person and going to the comments tab).
To use this new screen follow the steps below; Image Modified - Select Security \ Preference.
- Select TFS Main Program \ Appearance \ Tools.
- Select -251 Custom People Screen.
- Click on Modify
- Enter a value of 2.
- Click on OK.