The keyboard can be used instead of the mouse to quickly select commands. In addition to the standard Microsoft Windows keyboard shortcuts that can be used, there are a number of shortcuts that are specific to TFS Administration Tool.
Key(s) | Action |
TAB | Moves the focus from field to field on a screen. | ENTER | Opens a popup dialog on the fields that have a popup button (). Performs a button command when a button is present. | SPACEBAR | Automatically enters the current date (in a date field) or current time (in a time field). Spacebar is also used to toggle a flag field (i.e., yes to no; no to yes). | HOME | Moves the cursor to the beginning of a line or field. | END | Moves the cursor to the end of a line or field. | F1 | Opens the Help file. | F12 | Logs on/off TFS Administration Tool. | F5 | Refreshes the data you are currently using. | SHIFT + F5 | Re-reads and refreshes the data you are currently using. | CTRL + U | Opens the New User Wizard. |