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titleRevenue (Fees) Group - Click here to expand...

The Revenue (Fees) group contains all other fees and costs associated with the financing of the goods. Some can be entered manually whilst others, such as stamp duty, are calculated by The Finance Shop.

Clicking the Manage Revenue   button allows you to add additional fees using the Application Revenue dialog.





Total number of financed fees.


Total number of unfinanced fees.



Total amount of the financed fees.


Total amount of the unfinanced fees.

Stamp Duty/Financed?

Stamp Duty:

Stamp duty levied on documents.

The stamp duty amount is calculated using the calculation method settings selected in the Finance group. Stamp duty applies where the finance type is one of the following:

  • Specific Security Agreement (formerly Chattel Mortgage)

Note: Currently only NSW still has stamp duty on Specific Security Agreements.

  • Property Finance (Interest Only, Principal and Interest)


Indicates whether the stamp duty amount is financed.

T/C GST/Financed?


These fields are locked and calculated by The Finance Shop when repayments are calculated.

As the GST on asset purchase is considered an extra fee and can affect the total amount financed, the T/C GST (Term Charges GST) value is copied from the Term Charges group (see Term Charges Group).


Indicates whether the GST amount on term charges is financed.

Account Fee (Net)

A fee that occurs each payment period. It is not a typical upfront fee as no interest or GST is calculated on the value. This fee is not added to the total amount financed but is added to the regular payments.

Example: A $5 per month account fee.

titleBrokerage Group - Click here to expand...

The Revenue (Fees) group contains all other fees and costs associated with the financing of the goods. Some can be entered manually whilst others, such as stamp duty, are calculated by The Finance Shop.

Clicking the Manage Revenue button allows you to add additional fees using the Application Revenue dialog.





Total number of financed fees.


Total number of unfinanced fees.



Total amount of the financed fees.


Total amount of the unfinanced fees.

Stamp Duty/Financed?

Stamp Duty:

Stamp duty levied on documents.

The stamp duty amount is calculated using the calculation method settings selected in the Finance group. Stamp duty applies where the finance type is one of the following:

  • Property Finance (Interest Only, Principal and Interest)


Indicates whether the stamp duty amount is financed.

T/C GST/Financed?


These fields are locked and calculated by The Finance Shop when repayments are calculated.

As the GST on asset purchase is considered an extra fee and can affect the total amount financed, the T/C GST (Term Charges GST) value is copied from the Term Charges group (see Term Charges Group).


Indicates whether the GST amount on term charges is financed.

Account Fee (Net)

A fee that occurs each payment period. It is not a typical upfront fee as no interest or GST is calculated on the value. This fee is not added to the total amount financed but is added to the regular payments.

Example: A $5 per month account fee.

titleBrokerage Group - Click here to expand...

The Brokerage group allows you to enter the amount of brokerage made on the deal. A brokerage is a fee or commission charged by the broker and is typically hidden within the repayments and interest.




Indicates whether the brokerage amount is financed as part of the application. The brokerage amount will be added to the total amount financed.


Percentage of the total amount financed that the broker will charge as a fee or commission.


Fee or commission value charged by the broker. This amount can be entered manually.

Tip: The locked percentage cell to the right of the Net field displays the exact percentage of the total amount financed for the manually entered Net amount.

Solve Button:

To calculate the Net amount in the Brokerage group using the Solve button, the following fields must be populated: 

  • The Total field in the Amount Financed group must be greater than zero.
  • The Wholesale/Base rate in the Rates group must contain a value.
  • The Term field in the Repayment Schedule group must be selected.
  • The Net field in the Single Repayment group must be greater than zero.

GST/Unclaimable GST

Note: The GST/Unclaimable GST amounts are only relevant when the ITC Level in the Finance group is not set at 100%.

  • GST: Displays the GST amount of the Net brokerage.
  • Unclaimable GST: Displays the amount to be paid by the applicant if the ITC Level is NOT set to 100%.

Example: Let's say the ITC Level is set to 75% and the GST on the brokerage is $200. The financier can only claim 75% of the GST back ($150) so there is $50 of GST that is unclaimable from the ATO. This unclaimable GST amount is therefore added to the Total amount financed.

titleAmount Financed Group - Click here to expand...

Displays the total amount financed excluding the brokerage. The total amount financed is the cost of goods plus any financed fees and taxes.



Excluding Brokerage

Amount financed, excluding brokerage. This field is updated by modifying other fields in this dialog.


Total amount financed. This field is updated by modifying other fields in this dialog.

Solve Button:

To calculate how much the applicant can afford to borrow using the Solve button, the following fields must be populated: 

  • The Wholesale/Base rate in the Rates group must contain a value.
  • The Term field in the Repayment Schedule group must be selected.
  • The Net field in the Single Repayment group must be greater than zero.
  • The Net field in the Brokerage group.
titleResidual/Balloon Group - Click here to expand...

The borrow can elect to pay a lump sum to the financier at the end of a loan term after all regular repayments have been made. This allows a borrower to repay only part of the principal of their loan over its term, reducing their repayments in exchange for owing the financier a lump sum at the end of the loan term.

Example: A new car buyer borrows $40,000 over 5 years and elects to have a $10,000 (25%) Residual Value/Balloon Payment on their loan. Their repayments will be lower than if they had no Residual Value/Balloon Payment, however, the client will still owe the financier $10,000 at the end of the 5 year loan.

The amount of a Residual Value/Balloon Payment may be represented as an absolute dollar value or a percentage of the borrowed amount.




Percentage value for the residual/balloon payment. Entering this field will automatically populate the Amount value.


Value of the residual/balloon payment.

Note: The Amount is the net value of the residual and does not include any GST that might be applicable. GST is only applicable when the Finance Type is a lease type.

Solve Button:

To calculate how much residual the applicant would pay for a set repayment amount each payment period using the Solve button, the following fields must be populated:

  • The Wholesale/Base rate in the Rates group must contain a value.
  • The Term field in the Repayment Schedule group must be selected.
  • The Net field in the Single Repayment group must be greater than zero.
  • The Net field in the Brokerage group.
  • The Total field in the Amount Financed group must be greater than zero.
titleRates Group - Click here to expand...

Allows brokers to enter the wholesale and effective rates.




Interest rate set by the financier for lending.

Solve Button: 

To determine the wholesale interest rate using the Solve button, the following fields must be populated:

  • The Term field in the Repayment Schedule must be selected.
  • The Net field in the Single Repayment group must be greater than zero.
  • The Net field in the Brokerage group must be greater than zero.
  • The Total field in the Amount Financed group must be greater than zero.


An interest rate that takes into account the effect of compound interest and fees.

- The effective rate is automatically calculated when the Structure is set to Single Payments.
- The effective rate is not currently calculated for Custom or Group Payments.


GST rate for calculation purposes.

This percentage will affect the Cost of Goods GST, the Repayment GST (if any) and the Brokerage GST.

Stamp Duty

Stamp duty levied on a repayment.

titleRepayment Schedule Group - Click here to expand...

Defines the core structure of the repayment schedule including the period and length.



In Advance?

Indicates whether repayments are made in advance or in arrears.

  • Yes: Payment occurs in advance, before a service or asset has been provided.
  • No: Payment is made after a service has been provided.


Period of the repayment schedule. Click the Period popup button to select.

Example: Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly, Yearly.


Length of the repayment period. Click the Term button to modify the terms or enter a manual period.


Repayment structure. Options include: 

  • Single Payment: A fixed payment amount is due for each term of the application. Single payments are only available for weekly, fortnightly or monthly periods.
  • Custom Payment: When custom payments are selected, clicking the Solve button allows you to enter payments of varying amounts to suit the applicant. The Structured Repaymentsdialog is displayed with a grid showing all the payment periods and allowing a combination of manual entry of payments and the calculation of remaining payments. Custom payments are only available for periods that are monthly, quarterly, half yearly or yearly. For most custom calculations you are offered the chance to change the payment structured to Grouped when you save and close the Structured Repayment dialog.


The most common use for custom payments is for Special Input Payback where the Asset GST (input tax credit) is paid back in a lump sum at the start of the loan. This reduces the overall interest paid.

  • Group Payments: Group payments are much like custom payments except that you enter the amounts in groups. For example, three payments of $1,000, one payment of $2,000, and 44 payments of $1,200. Group payments are only available for periods that are monthly.