Communication templates can be created as standard templates for Word documents, email and sms communication to clients. The Communication template can be created for any one of these communication methods or one template can house all three methods for a specific topic.
- Click on the Email
- Under the General heading:
- Toggle the SMS? field to Yes.
- In the Body section, type the contents of the SMS template.
- If you want to add Framework fields to the SMS (e.g. Job Number and Land Address), click on the “Insert Field” button to launch the “Select RMS Field Code” dialog.
- Click on the required folder in the “Groups” section and then select the required field from below in the “Field Codes” section by double clicking the field or highlighting and clicking OK to save.
The Destination heading will be used for the DMS product, however this functionality is not currently available.
- Click OK to close the Communication template.
Email Service Preferences (Perspective Platform\Communications\Email Service)
Preference ID
Preference Name
Email Service Provider
Email Service Username
Contact Insula to setup
Email Service Password
Contact Insula to setup
There is also another email setup preference (Framework ECM\Email/SMS Configuration\Master Email Settings)
Users who wish to have a send from address different to their default or context level preference, should do so by setting a user specific preference.
You can navigate between from addresses from within the communication dialog, which will be discussed in the later parts of this article.
SMS Service Preferences (Perspective Platform\Communications\SMS Service)
Preference ID
Preference Name
SMS Service Enabled?
SMS Service URL
SMS Service Appliance
SMS Service Provider
SMS Service Username
Contact Insula to setup
SMS Service Password
Contact Insula to setup
SMS Server Status Check Interval (Minutes)
SMS Service ‘From’ Number
0400 000 000
SMS Message Expiry (Minutes)
Setup of a User Signature
A standard user signature can be setup for each Framework user as a Default or Region/Division specific. If a signature is created at the Region/Division level, it will overwrite the Default signature. When an email is generated in Framework, the signature that has been created for the user will automatically populate the Email dialog.
- Select CRM\Comments from the Sidebar.
- On the bottom right of the screen, click New. The New Communication dialog will be displayed.
- Click on the SMS icon to launch the New SMS
- In the body of the dialog, select the required options:
Job specific? – if set to Yes, the Job Number for the current job selected is shown and you have the option to select if the SMS is to include the Job number and address. If set to No, the SMS will not be specific to the Job.
SMS – displays the default From Number for all sms messages.
Comment – allows the option to include the comment in reporting and the addition of a Follow Up.
Recipient: Custom – allows the addition of a recipient that is not associated with the job in Framework. Once the name and number have been added, click the >> button to add the number to the SMS Recipient section.
Recipients: Client Contacts – highlight the Client Contact listed the sms is to be sent to and click the >> button to add the number to the SMS Recipient section.
Recipients: Framework Entities – the Entity Role selection defaults to Staff Member. Click on the down arrow to select another entity role. The entities with mobile numbers will display in the Entities list. Highlight the Entity listed the sms is to be sent to and click the >> button to add the number to the SMS Recipient section.
SMS Recipients – Any recipients selected from the Recipient: Custom, Recipients: Client Contacts or Recipients: Framework Entities will be displayed here.
Message – A signature is automatically included which shows the name of the user logged in and the name of the Region/Division logged into. - To select a Communication Template, click on the ellipsis next to the Message click on the ellipsis to launch the Select SMS Template
- Select the Group the communication template is located in from the SMS Template Groups.
- Select the template from the SMS Templates and click OK. The body of the Message will be automatically populated from the communication template selected.
- Click OK to send the sms.
- A Comment will be added to the Comment Overview screen and the Method for the comment will show Sent SMS.
If any part of this fails, check to see if you can browse to the following APIs on IE
If you encounter any issues with this process, please get in touch with one of our support team. Details can be found here.