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Troubleshooting StepsPrior to commencing any of the below steps, please navigate to our sentinel error code guide, located here, as your issue may be related to a specific issue with the key itself. ftp://ftp.insulagroup.com.au/Shared%20Applications/Sentinel%20Monitoring%20Tool/ Scenario One:On the Framework server, in some cases there may have been an override of the windows firewall rules that are in place to allow broadcasting of the sentinel key across the network. These are the 'sentinel...' rules defined under the inbound rules. This is typically displayed as a sentinel error 601 - no active key available on the network. In some cases, these may be incorrectly set to the wrong profile (i.e. private instead of domain). Without the domain network profile active, the key will not be shown/available on the client workstations. This may have also been incorrectly disabled, if so, enabling this rule again should allow traffic back to the key machine. The following is to be done on the server that is hosting the sentinel key. Note: this should only be undertaken by your IT resource.
E.g. Domain network, rule enabled only on applicable profile, all rules enabled.
E.g. server name FWRK01, with an IP address of 192.168.1.x