The document to be mail merged is simply the letter or form to be included in Framework ECM. The Merge Test document is a document that contains all of the Framework ECM fields that can be included in a mail merge document.
Example: Let's say your letter begins with Dear John Smith. Instead of creating multiple copies of the same document (for each client), you can use the Merge Test document to insert Framework ECM fields to replace certain text. In the example of Dear John Smith, the Merge Test document contains the field «sUserName» (sourced from Framework ECM). Instead of writing Dear John Smith, simply replace John Smith with the field «sUserName» and each time the document is created from within Framework ECM, mail merge will automatically merge the data field (in this case the client's name) into the exported document.
The process for implementing a mail merge document into Framework ECM involves:
- Select the position for the new merge field in the document.
- Open the MergeTest.doc document. This document lists all of the merge fields available to be inserted into the mail merge document.
Note: The list of valid Framework ECM merge fields can be found in the Microsoft Word document called mergeTest.doc. Only the fields listed in this document can be used as Framework ECM will not recognise any other mail merge fields. It is possible to copy the required fields (individually) and paste them into the document using the following instructions.
- Copy the merge field (e.g., «sUserName»).
- Switch back to the mail merge document.
- Paste the field into the mail merge document.
Tip: Repeat Steps 4 - 8 until all of the required fields have been inserted into the mail merge document.
- Save the document.
- Close Microsoft Word.
Note: It is recommended that the Mail Merge documents be stored in a single logical place on the network. For Framework ECM to locate the files, their location needs to be recorded in the System Configuration dialog (in Framework ECM: Help > Configuration).
Adding The Mail Merge Document Into Framework