Items can only be added to an existing parent section or child section. A parent section is the highest level to which one or more child sections belong. The Section screen is used to manage all VPB sections for a selected version.
Creating A VPB Section
Example: Base House Price, Site Costs, Facade, External Variations, Appliances, Floor Coverings, etc.
In the following image:
If the sections have been moved and the VPB reference numbers are incorrectly sorted, the VPB requires compiling. To compile a VPB, see Version.
General Group
Field | Description |
Version | VPB version to which the section is allocated. This field is locked and cannot be edited. |
Has Parent? | Parent status of the section. This field is locked and cannot be edited.
Parent Section | Name of the parent section to which this section is a child. This field is locked and cannot be edited. Tip: This field is only populated if the Has Parent? field is Yes. |
Full Reference | Internally generated VPB reference number. |
Name | Name given to the section. Example: Base House Price, Site Costs, Facade, External Variations, Appliances, Floor Coverings, etc. |
Reference | Reference name given to the section. Click the Reference copy button to copy the section name or manually enter a reference name. |
TOC Name | Name given to the Table Of Contents (TOC) section on a printed VPB. This name may differ from the section name. Example: The section name that relates to facades may be called Facade whilst the TOC printed name may be House Facades. |
Page Break Before? | Is there a page break before this section on a printed VPB?
Notes Group
Free text area for notes regarding the section.