The standard response groups, that can be used and the responses available, are shown below.
The standard available Response Groups are;
Group |
Pass/Fail/Not Applicable |
Pass/Fail/Not Available |
Ranking |
Reverse Yes/No/Not Applicable |
Satisfaction |
Score 1 -10 |
Score 1 -5 |
Yes/No/NA/NV |
Yes/No/Not Applicable |
Response Group | Response | Response Type |
Pass/Fail/Not Applicable | Pass | Satisfactory |
Pass/Fail/Not Applicable | Fail | Unsatisfactory/Needs Attention |
Pass/Fail/Not Applicable | N/A | Satisfactory |
Pass/Fail/Not Available | Pass | Satisfactory |
Pass/Fail/Not Available | Fail | Unsatisfactory/Needs Attention |
Pass/Fail/Not Available | Not Available | Satisfactory |
Ranking | 1 - Extremely Poor | Unsatisfactory/Needs Attention |
Ranking | 2 - Poor | Unsatisfactory/Needs Attention |
Ranking | 3 - Neutral | Satisfactory |
Ranking | 4 - Good | Satisfactory |
Ranking | 5 - Excellent | Satisfactory |
Reverse Yes/No/NA | Yes | Unsatisfactory/Needs Attention |
Reverse Yes/No/NA | No | Satisfactory |
Reverse Yes/No/NA | N/A | Satisfactory |
Satisfaction | Satisfactory | Satisfactory |
Satisfaction | Unsatisfactory | Unsatisfactory/Needs Attention |
Satisfaction | Neither | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 10 | 1 | Unsatisfactory/Needs Attention |
Score 1 - 10 | 2 | Unsatisfactory/Needs Attention |
Score 1 - 10 | 3 | Unsatisfactory/Needs Attention |
Score 1 - 10 | 4 | Unsatisfactory/Needs Attention |
Score 1 - 10 | 5 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 10 | 6 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 10 | 7 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 10 | 8 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 10 | 9 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 10 | 10 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 5 | 1 | Unsatisfactory/Needs Attention |
Score 1 - 5 | 2 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 5 | 3 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 5 | 4 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 5 | 5 | Satisfactory |
Yes / No / Na / NV | Yes | Satisfactory |
Yes / No / Na / NV | No | Unsatisfactory/Needs Attention |
Yes / No / Na / NV | N/A | Satisfactory |
Yes / No / Na / NV | Not Verified | Satisfactory |
Yes/No/Not Applicable | Yes | Satisfactory |
Yes/No/Not Applicable | No | Unsatisfactory/Needs Attention |
Yes/No/Not Applicable | N/A | Satisfactory |
Adding a Response Group
In addition to the standard response groups you can also add your own;
When you click on Add Response Group you will see the following dialogue;
There are 2 different item formats.
Multiple choice - One response - The user can only select one response.
Multiple choice - Multiple responses - The user can select between the defined minimum and maximum number of responses.
Adding a Response Item
When you have a Response Group you can add the Response Items.
You will then see the following;
If the response equates to Unsatisfactory you do not need to make a selection as that is the default status. If the response equates to being satisfactory tick the box.
At a response level, you can specify the minimum number of photos that are required.
You can also define whether or not notes are mandatory based on the response.
You can add as many responses as required. Though you should bear in mind how this will appear on the app.