Users can choose only one response from the list of Response Items.
Multiple choice - Multiple responses
You define a minimum and a maximum number of responses that the user is able to select.
Standard Responses
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title | The standard available Response Groups are; |
Group |
Pass/Fail/Not Applicable | Pass/Fail/Not Available | Ranking | Reverse Yes/No/Not Applicable | Satisfaction | Score 1 -10 | Score 1 -5 | Yes/No/NA/NV | Yes/No/Not Applicable |
The responses translate into two response types. The type can either be
Satisfactory. The item has passed. Unsatisfactory. The item has failed, and further actions are required.
The table below shows how the responses map to response types. Response Group | Response | Response Type | Pass/Fail/Not Applicable | Pass | Satisfactory | Pass/Fail/Not Applicable | Fail | Unsatisfactory | Pass/Fail/Not Applicable | N/A | Satisfactory | Pass/Fail/Not Available | Pass | Satisfactory | Pass/Fail/Not Available | Fail | Unsatisfactory | Pass/Fail/Not Available | Not Available | Satisfactory | Ranking | 1 - Extremely Poor | Unsatisfactory | Ranking | 2 - Poor | Unsatisfactory | Ranking | 3 - Neutral | Satisfactory | Ranking | 4 - Good | Satisfactory | Ranking | 5 - Excellent | Satisfactory | Reverse Yes/No/NA | Yes | Unsatisfactory | Reverse Yes/No/NA | No | Satisfactory | Reverse Yes/No/NA | N/A | Satisfactory | Satisfaction | Satisfactory | Satisfactory | Satisfaction | Unsatisfactory | Unsatisfactory | Satisfaction | Neither | Satisfactory | Score 1 - 10 | 1 | Unsatisfactory | Score 1 - 10 | 2 | Unsatisfactory | Score 1 - 10 | 3 | Unsatisfactory | Score 1 - 10 | 4 | Unsatisfactory | Score 1 - 10 | 5 | Satisfactory | Score 1 - 10 | 6 | Satisfactory | Score 1 - 10 | 7 | Satisfactory | Score 1 - 10 | 8 | Satisfactory | Score 1 - 10 | 9 | Satisfactory | Score 1 - 10 | 10 | Satisfactory | Score 1 - 5 | 1 | Unsatisfactory | Score 1 - 5 | 2 | Satisfactory | Score 1 - 5 | 3 | Satisfactory | Score 1 - 5 | 4 | Satisfactory | Score 1 - 5 | 5 | Satisfactory | Yes / No / Na / NV | Yes | Satisfactory | Yes / No / Na / NV | No | Unsatisfactory | Yes / No / Na / NV | N/A | Satisfactory | Yes / No / Na / NV | Not Verified | Satisfactory | Yes/No/Not Applicable | Yes | Satisfactory | Yes/No/Not Applicable | No | Unsatisfactory | Yes/No/Not Applicable | N/A | Satisfactory |