Response Group | Response | Response Type |
Pass/Fail/Not Applicable | Pass | Satisfactory |
Pass/Fail/Not Applicable | Fail | Unsatisfactory |
Pass/Fail/Not Applicable | N/A | Satisfactory |
Pass/Fail/Not Available | Pass | Satisfactory |
Pass/Fail/Not Available | Fail | Unsatisfactory |
Pass/Fail/Not Available | Not Available | Satisfactory |
Ranking | 1 - Extremely Poor | Unsatisfactory |
Ranking | 2 - Poor | Unsatisfactory |
Ranking | 3 - Neutral | Satisfactory |
Ranking | 4 - Good | Satisfactory |
Ranking | 5 - Excellent | Satisfactory |
Reverse Yes/No/NA | Yes | Unsatisfactory |
Reverse Yes/No/NA | No | Satisfactory |
Reverse Yes/No/NA | N/A | Satisfactory |
Satisfaction | Satisfactory | Satisfactory |
Satisfaction | Unsatisfactory | Unsatisfactory |
Satisfaction | Neither | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 10 | 1 | Unsatisfactory |
Score 1 - 10 | 2 | Unsatisfactory |
Score 1 - 10 | 3 | Unsatisfactory |
Score 1 - 10 | 4 | Unsatisfactory |
Score 1 - 10 | 5 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 10 | 6 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 10 | 7 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 10 | 8 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 10 | 9 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 10 | 10 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 5 | 1 | Unsatisfactory |
Score 1 - 5 | 2 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 5 | 3 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 5 | 4 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 5 | 5 | Satisfactory |
Yes / No / Na / NV | Yes | Satisfactory |
Yes / No / Na / NV | No | Unsatisfactory |
Yes / No / Na / NV | N/A | Satisfactory |
Yes / No / Na / NV | Not Verified | Satisfactory |
Yes/No/Not Applicable | Yes | Satisfactory |
Yes/No/Not Applicable | No | Unsatisfactory |
Yes/No/Not Applicable | N/A | Satisfactory |
Adding a Response Group
When you click on the Add Response Group button, the following screen is displayed;