The 2022.1 Platform release saw the introduction of several enhancements to structured inspections. This document gives a complete overview of how to use structured inspections.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents |
To be able to create or work with structured inspection templates you need to have either the role Onsite Inspect - Data Administrator or Onsite Inspect - System Administrator.
When logged into one of these Perspectives you have an additional Administration menu with 2 options.
Inspection Templates are the items that you want the person performing the inspection to review.
Response Groups are where you can define your own custom responses.
Response Groups
Structured inspections ask for responses from the user which are translated into one of two states, either Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Standard Response Groups
The standard response groups, that can be used and the responses available, are shown below.
The standard available Response Groups are;
Group |
Pass/Fail/Not Applicable |
Pass/Fail/Not Available |
Ranking |
Reverse Yes/No/Not Applicable |
Satisfaction |
Score 1 -10 |
Score 1 -5 |
Yes/No/NA/NV |
Yes/No/Not Applicable |
The responses translate to two response types. The type can either be
Satisfactory. The item has passed.
Needs Attention. The item has failed and further actions are required.
The table below shows how the responses map to response types.
Response Group | Response | Response Type |
Pass/Fail/Not Applicable | Pass | Satisfactory |
Pass/Fail/Not Applicable | Fail | Needs Attention |
Pass/Fail/Not Applicable | N/A | Satisfactory |
Pass/Fail/Not Available | Pass | Satisfactory |
Pass/Fail/Not Available | Fail | Needs Attention |
Pass/Fail/Not Available | Not Available | Satisfactory |
Ranking | 1 - Extremely Poor | Needs Attention |
Ranking | 2 - Poor | Needs Attention |
Ranking | 3 - Neutral | Satisfactory |
Ranking | 4 - Good | Satisfactory |
Ranking | 5 - Excellent | Satisfactory |
Reverse Yes/No/NA | Yes | Needs Attention |
Reverse Yes/No/NA | No | Satisfactory |
Reverse Yes/No/NA | N/A | Satisfactory |
Satisfaction | Satisfactory | Satisfactory |
Satisfaction | Unsatisfactory | Needs Attention |
Satisfaction | Neither | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 10 | 1 | Needs Attention |
Score 1 - 10 | 2 | Needs Attention |
Score 1 - 10 | 3 | Needs Attention |
Score 1 - 10 | 4 | Needs Attention |
Score 1 - 10 | 5 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 10 | 6 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 10 | 7 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 10 | 8 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 10 | 9 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 10 | 10 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 5 | 1 | Needs Attention |
Score 1 - 5 | 2 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 5 | 3 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 5 | 4 | Satisfactory |
Score 1 - 5 | 5 | Satisfactory |
Yes / No / Na / NV | Yes | Satisfactory |
Yes / No / Na / NV | No | Needs Attention |
Yes / No / Na / NV | N/A | Satisfactory |
Yes / No / Na / NV | Not Verified | Satisfactory |
Yes/No/Not Applicable | Yes | Satisfactory |
Yes/No/Not Applicable | No | Needs Attention |
Yes/No/Not Applicable | N/A | Satisfactory |
Adding a Response Group
Multiple choice - One response