- Determine which data is missing by manually checking through the tables linked into the view which populates this screen (v_ cstLTProgUpdate), then manually stamping this data in the office end (set d_modified to Format(Now(), “yyyy-mm-dd”) and t_modified to Format(Now(), “yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss”) and download the data using the relevant synchronise (check which packet number from the Synchronise Configuration screen in Framework Logistics Desktop's Site screen).
The following should only be performed by .
Likely Cause(s) | Solutions |
Selected Progress Period is irrelevant for the missing job as it was not in construction for that time. |
Data for the job(s) is missing from the Tablet PC. Example: The job does not have a construction period for the period shown in the drop-down box at the top of the screen. | - On the Framework Logistics Synchronise dialog, select the Advanced tab. If theRecommended column lists Yes to any synchronise, perform the following synchronises (from the Standard tab):
- New Jobs Synchronise
- Meeting Day Synchronise
- Office Data Synchronise
- Verify that the job has Progress Periods (calls) created via the History screen in Framework ECM. If they haven't been created, create them; perform a Daily Full Synchronise.
- Re-stamp the site's allocation for the missing job and perform a New Jobs Synchronise.
Warning |
| The following should only be performed by Insula Software. |
- Determine which data is missing by manually checking through the tables linked into the view which populates this screen (v_ cstLTProgUpdate), then manually stamping this data in the office end (set d_modified to Format(Now(), “yyyy-mm-dd”) and t_modified to Format(Now(), “yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss”) and download the data using the relevant synchronise (check which packet number from the Synchronise Configuration screen in Framework Logistics Desktop's Site screen).