To create a new workflow test:
- Navigate to the administration module within Framework Ecm
- Select production on the site, and then Wfl. Analysis to bring up all current work flow analysis tests
- Select the ‘new’ button in the bottom right
You will then be presented with a screen like this:
Once you have this filled out, you can start to fill out the different fieldsThe Work Flow Analysis Test screen manages the duration tests that measure the acceptable time that can elapse between two activities. When this duration passes, the test is considered overdue.
This screen allows access to the available tests, the ability to create new tests, and to allocate them to a relevant region/division and to individual staff members, so that the tests can be implemented when the staff log in or the test is run on the Personal Work Flow Analysis.
Opening the Work Flow Analysis Test Screen:
From the Administration module (within Framework ECM), select Production from the sidebar then Wfl. Analysis.
To create a new workflow test:
- Click New.
The following dialog will appear:
Fill out the various fields:
- Category – relates to the test itself, typically [Common Work Flow Tests]
- Name – a title for the test itself, i.e. 'Build Contract Received'
- Description – following on the previous name, a sample description might be: “Build Contract has been Received 7 days after Build Contract Signed”
- Type – there are only two options for this, field 1 exists, field 2 does not, field 3 is in the paste / stage duration. If you are simply after Field 1 x amount of days after Field 2, then stage duration is the ‘default’ choice.
- Minor Work Flow Stage – select the appropriate minor stage from the list
- Calculation Method – there are several calculation methods available, however each is suited to a different scenario. Our default options are typically Cal Days – Standard duration between fields 1 and 2, and Work Days – Standard duration between fields 1 and 2.
- Allowance – how many days do you wish to allow staff to have before it is expected that the task is complete
- Order – where in the list of work flow tests do you wish to have this particular test
- Notes – any additional notes that you wish to add to this test